You are a webmaster and your client tells you that on mobile the website has some issues.
You check it but you see no issue.
You ask your client which device and browser are giving the issue, but you don’t know that device and your client is not able to tell you the most important information you would need for the problem-solving.
It would be a big help if your client was able to give you this kind of information:
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;
App name: Netscape
Platform: Linux x86_64
Cookies enabled: true
Vendor: Google Inc.
Screen available width: 1280
Screen available height: 720
Screen width: 1280
Screen height: 720
Viewport width: 1280
Viewport height: 720
The information above is related to your device and browser. Don’t worry only you can see it and nobody will send it anywhere.
If you need to collect information about the browser and device of your client, you can share this blog post, say to click on “Copy to clipboard” and send you the copied information.
Or you can download the plugin Collect Browser Info that you can find on the official WordPress repository.
After activation. the page where you include the shortcode [collect_browser_info] will show the information of the visitor browser.