Freesoul Switch Theme | Load a different theme on specific pages
Freesoul Switch Theme allows you to load a different theme on specific pages, both in a permanent way and just for debugging.
You will find a section for every single page and post in the meta boxes section, where you can select the theme that you want to activate. Checking on the related checkbox you can decide if you want that all visitors see that theme or only you.
The actual version supports only the front-end, so you will not be able to load another theme for specific pages in the back-end.
Freesoul Switch Theme to permanently load a different theme for a specific page.
To permanently load a different theme for a specific page, just select your desired theme and activate the checkbox before to save the page.

Freesoul Switch Theme for debugging.
If you have a problem on your WordPress site, you would probably like to detect the cause of the problem without breaking anything.
In many cases, one of the active plug-ins or the theme itself is causing the problem.
To see if one of your plugins is the guilty you can use Freesoul Deactivate Plugins, for the theme you can use Freesoul Switch Theme.
We will see a typical application of Freesoul Switch Theme but first, let’s see what you could do before to install the plugin. Sometimes what shortly described below will be enough and you don’t need Freesoul Switch Theme for debugging.
Sometimes it’s enough to see the debug log file to understand what is causing the problem, in this case, you don’t need Freesoul Switch Theme.
So before to install the plugin enable WP_DEBUG in your wp-config.php file.
If you don’t want to show any errors to other visitors but at the same time see them for debugging, you can add the following snippet in your wp-config.php.
if( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == ''){ define('WP_DEBUG', true); define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true ); } else{ define('WP_DEBUG', false); define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', false ); }
In the snippet above you should replace with your IP address.
Doing so, only your IP address will have access to the warnings and errors.
Be just sure that WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_LOG are included only in the snippet above, and in no other place in wp-config.php.
Looking at the warnings and errors, you may already understand what is causing the issue.
If you don’t feel confident modifying PHP files, don’t do it, you still have the possibility to use Freesoul Switch Theme to check the theme and Freesoul Deactivate Plugins to check the plugins.
Here we will see only the theme check.
How to switch to a different theme only for a preview.
Freesoul Switch Theme will allow you to see a preview of the web page with a different theme, while all the other visitors are seeing the actual active theme.
You can use Freesoul Switch Theme also for permanently assign different themes on specific pages.
The current version will only help you if you want to detect the cause of the problem without breaking anything on the front-end., probably the back-end features will be added soon.
Download the free version of Freesoul Switch Theme for debugging or for permanently using different themes on specific pages: