Get rid of Endurance Page Cache

When you install WordPress using a quick install script provided by the hosting, you may have some issues with the cache without you even knowing the reason. You create some pages, and you don’t see any change when you modify something.

If this happens to you, you are probably another victim of the mu-plugin Endurance Page Cache.

Usually, hosting providers like Hostgator and Bluehost install it without you being aware of it, and no matter if out there you can choose between dozen of wonderful and proper caching plugins, they continue to install the problematic Endurance Page Cache without you even knowing it’s installed.

You will not find it on the page of standard plugins, you have to go to Plugins => Must Use.

The must-use plugins are PHP files located in the folder wp-content/mu-plugins. The only way to deactivate them was to delete them via FTP. Now you have another solution to manage the mu-plugins as you do with the standard plugins, and it’s totally free.

With MU Manager you can now activate, deactivate, and delete the mu-plugins that you don’t need exactly as you do with the standard plugins.

MU Plugins without MU Manager
MU Plugins without MU Manager
MU Plugins with MU Manager
MU Plugins with MU Manager

You will find MU Manager in the official WordPress plugins repository and in your backend on the page of plugins.